Customized Workshops
Since learning is unique, Team develops and delivers customized custom training Solution. Our comprehensive learning solutions enable our customers to maximize Employee performance and increase the return on their investments.Differing learning styles, training goals , student locations, and budgets demand a Combination of instructor-led and self-paced learning , offered through a menu of Distinctive delivery options. Teams’ premium content and expert instruction are Delivered at your company in a workshop environment. We can develop a custom Approach that best meets your corporate needs , no matter where your learners Are located.
Our workshops offer quality in-house training programs for trainers , training Managers and coordinators , training designers , supervisors , managers and Secretarial support staff. We believe in learning by doing , not just by listening. All of our workshops in customized corporate training program require a high Level of participation by the learner. Transfer of skills to the workplace is Stressed by action planning during each workshop.
Methods of presentation include lectures , discussions , case studies , role plays Exercises , films and inventories. Class exercises and case studies are customized to The client’s industry at no additional charge to the client